"On behalf of the many children that will benefit from attending a Tim Horton Children's Foundation camp this year, thank you for your participation"
-Sincerely, Geoff Shore (Owner/Operator)
"It is individuals and organizations such as you that have made this year's Charity Ball such a great success. "
-Foundaer and Chair, Nick Memme (Heart to Heart Chartity Ball)
"Thank you, Canadian Law Enforcement Training College, for your commitment to helping women and children fleeing violence "
-Ernestine's Women's Shelter, Farhia Ahmed (Outreach Manager)
Roberto, You do good work!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
-Darlene and Alvin Law
You are a special man Roberto and an inspiration to those who know you.
-David Vodianoi, FAYMARK HOMES